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Thursday, October 17, 2024

How the Recruitment Process has Changed through the Decades

Since the early 2000s, the employment process has seen a significant transformation. It’s amazing to consider that things that appear commonplace today (like LinkedIn, video chats, and texting) didn’t exist in the same capacity just 20 years ago since the procedures are all so different. And the quick development of technology is to blame for this transition. Beyond merely the growth of the internet, tools like video interviewing and software for scheduling interviews have streamlined the hiring process, saving time and money while also significantly simplifying the tasks of hiring managers. However, there are some additional, more nuanced variations in how people develop skill today and twenty years ago. Let’s examine all the significant and little changes to the hiring process:Recruitment-Process

The Internet

A person trying to grow their team in the days before social media and the internet had to cross their fingers that a qualified professional would see their job advertisement in the neighborhood daily or a trade publication. When it came to hiring, their reach was quite restricted, and recruiting managers frequently discovered they were speaking with the same candidates repeatedly. Worse yet, they were selecting under qualified people for open positions simply because they had no other options.


As a seasoned hiring professional, you are aware that networking is a terrific approach to find more candidates and gain recommendations for good candidates. Prior to the advent of the internet, networking took place at stuffy after-work gatherings with subpar appetizers and weak beverages. You would have missed the opportunity to network with the most promising professionals in your area if you hadn’t attended these events. This creates opportunities to interact with people from all backgrounds and professions. Additionally, it shifts the emphasis from business cards to sincere conversations with other professionals. This has major employment implications. Job seekers have a lot more opportunity to identify jobs and acquire references when they have a larger network.

Employer Branding

The development of the internet has made it simpler than ever for job seekers to research the organizations to which they are submitting applications. What types of customers does this business normally serve? What kind of vibe does the workplace seem to have based on the photos, blog posts, tweets, and homepage content? Spend time using these tools properly because your internet appearance has the power to either attract or repel talent. If your business is creative, utilize social media and your website to showcase your talent and draw in prospective candidates looking for an environment that encourages innovation. Use your internet content to make this evident if your company has a lot of structure so you can draw in talent. Additionally, you want to ensure that your marketing accurately represents the company’s core values and is consistent across all channels. This guarantees that you draw in the best talent.

Scheduling Interviews

When trying to schedule prospects for interviews in the past, recruiting managers had to communicate back and forth with them constantly. This developed into a time-consuming and difficult process that frequently left both sides frustrated. The endeavor quickly turned into a nightmare when time zone variations were included, and hiring managers were frequently discouraged from choosing to engage with prospects who lived elsewhere. You may now streamline the process of inviting a professional in for an interview with the advent of interview recruitment software. This helps them to concentrate on getting ready for the interview and selecting the ideal candidate for the company. They can watch recordings whenever it best fits into their day, saving them from having to laboriously match their schedule to that of candidates and plan their days around multiple interviews.


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