How to Cut Digital Marketing Costs This Summer


As we all know, marketing your business on a digital platform is arguably the best way to achieve your goals. Sure, using the traditional forms of marketing can be effective but with so many channels that are affordable digitally, this is the best route to take. The good news is that you don’t need to break the bank on digital marketing, as there are many ways to cut costs.

In this guide, we are going to offer some of our best tips to help you cut costs on your digital marketing strategy this summer. Use these tips to get the results you need over the coming year.

Set A Budget

One of the first things that you should do if you want to cut your digital marketing costs this summer is to set a budget. If you don’t know how much you have to spend or how much you are spending on average, how can you figure out how to cut costs? When you set a budget, you have something to compare your spending against and you will be slower to go over this budget. This might sound very simple, but it can actually be very effective.

You can find plenty of guides online to help you with setting a digital marketing budget. It is important that you are referring back to it to make sure that it is manageable as it is possible to adjust it along the way.

Upgrade Your Emails

Are you using email marketing to promote your business currently? Sending out emails to potential and existing clients can be a great way of getting them to come back to your site and buy more. Of course, email marketing isn’t always cheap, especially if you want to be able to create branded emails that will stand out. If you want to cut costs this summer, then you should know that it is possible to find free email templates online. With these templates, you can create attractive emails that will catch the attention of your customers.

Check online for some email templates and upgrade your emails this summer without breaking the bank.

Create A Strategy

When working on any kind of marketing for your business, digital or traditional, you’ll need to have a strategy to follow. It is often assumed that companies will be following a strategy that they have set out, but this is not always the case. If you don’t already have a strategy that you are following and that has been carefully planned, then you could find that you are wasting money on your marketing. Are you just doing things as you think of them? Are you considering when your target audience is online or the kind of content they would enjoy?

To make the most of your time and money use marketing automation tools like You’ll be able to focus on your marketing strategy by automating all repetitive processes.

If you don’t already have a strategy, then you need to implement one in order to cut your marketing costs this summer. Spend some time online getting information on how to do this effectively. If you are using an external company for your marketing, they should be providing you with details of their strategy each month.

Do It in House

Another great way to cut your digital marketing costs this summer is to switch to doing your marketing in-house. If you are spending hundreds of pounds each month on an external digital agency, then this could really be affecting your profits. While you need to spend money to make money, digital marketing isn’t as tricky as you might think.

The good news is that there are plenty of resources and tools online that can help you to get started on your own marketing strategies. If you have the time to do this, make sure to give it a try as it could save you a lot of money over the coming year.

Go Social

Everyone knows that social media is one of the most effective marketing tools in 2020. The problem is that many people are still not utilising it to its full ability and this is affecting how much they are spending on their digital marketing strategies. The great thing about social media is that it is free to use and there is a long list of tools that your business can use without spending a penny.

Even if you do decide to go down the route of spending money on paid social ad campaigns, you can control the budget. Make sure to target your ads very specifically in order to get the most for your money. Over time, you’ll realise just how easy it is to market your business with social media and cut costs at the same time.

Analyse Results

The final tip that we have for those who want to cut their digital marketing costs this summer is to continuously analyse what you are doing. While you might have set up a strategy and a budget that you will follow, it won’t mean anything if you don’t spend time analysing the results. There are a few ways that you can analyse your digital campaigns including using Google Analytics or social media tracking.

Once you figure out how to properly analyse your campaigns, you can figure out what worked well and what didn’t. You can then use this information to cut costs and focus on successes next time around.

Get Started

In 2020, there is no need for you to be wasting money on your marketing campaigns when there are so many tools available to you. You need to be thinking about what you are spending and how you could be spending your money in a much more effective way.

Make sure to take on board all of the tips that we have given you in this article and this should help you to start making the right decisions. Soon, you’ll be spending much less on your digital marketing and you’ll be getting even better results and increased levels of conversions over time.


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