How Do I Know My Child Has an Air Allergy? 6 Easy Signs


When it comes to diagnosing allergies, identifying the symptoms can be just as important as the cause of those symptoms.

Air Allergy

Air allergies are more common than you may think, with some experts estimating that up to 35% of children have mild allergies to airborne allergens like pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mold spores.

So how do you know if your child has an air allergy? Here are six easy ways to tell if an allergy might cause your child’s stuffy nose or puffy eyes to something in the air.


Many kids sneeze a lot. But if your child experiences sneezing and facial pressure or itching, they may have an air allergy. The tissues inside human noses are susceptible to irritation from irritants in the air

When these irritants—like pollen or dust—contact nasal tissue, they trigger a reaction in the immune system. This reaction produces what is known as sneezing.

Runny And Stuffy Nose

Runny noses are a normal part of childhood and come with seasonal allergies that cause post-nasal drip, congestion, sneezing, and allergic rhinitis,which causes sneezing and clear drainage from your child’s nose.

A stuffy nose is also one of the most common allergy symptoms in children. When nasal membranes are irritated, they swell, making it harder to breathe through your nose. This causes airflow through their nostrils even more difficult, producing an unmistakable feeling of stuffiness.

Eye Irritation

Common allergens include dust, mold, pollens and pet dander, which can cause dry eyes or a stinging sensation

A child with an air allergy may rub his eyes frequently or complain that they feel itchy or scratchy. If your child often has red, watery eyes and you’ve ruled out an eye infection or irritation, they could have an allergy.

Sore Throat

Sore throats are a sign of airway inflammation, which is also a characteristic of allergies. So, if your kid gets a sore throat and other allergy symptoms like congestion or runny nose, it could indicate an airborne allergy.

It is important to note that seasonal allergies and regular throat infections may have similar symptoms, so it’s important to check with your pediatrician. It’s also normal for children to get colds as they go through different stages of development, so it may be difficult to tell whether your child has an air allergy or just a common cold.

Swollen Eyes

A common sign of allergies is swelling and irritation around your eyes. Usually, they become itchy and watery, leading to puffy eyelids.

If you notice these symptoms in your child, allergy might be blamed. They may also rub their eyes frequently to relieve pain and itchiness.

Throat Clearing

While it could simply be a response to being outside in an air-filled space, increased throat clearing can also indicate allergies.

Look for signs that your child’s throat is getting irritated, including redness, scratchiness or dryness. If you notice these symptoms consistently when your child returns from outdoor activities, they may be allergic to something in the air.