Wellness & Fitness App Development


Fitness app revenue has grown by 5% over the past year and continues to grow according to current statistics. Therefore, if your company is related to training, sports, diets and health, it’s time to jump on the accelerating train. Our fitness app development company includes dozens of cases implemented in this area. Want to know more?

What apps do we make and why?

Our company creates apps for:

  • training and exercise,
  • to track activity (pedometers, sleep time, calories burned);
  • to monitor nutrition and diet.

This type of application helps users to form and adhere to healthy eating and sports habits. And the owners of such applications get their profit in different ways.

How to monetize your app?

It is not too difficult to create a fitness app by understanding the goals that the given app should fulfill. But in addition to performing the main range of direct tasks, your app can pay for itself over time, and even bring additional passive income. Some fitness clubs and gyms were forced to suspend their work during the quarantine period, but this was not a failure for them. Many companies resisted a complete collapse precisely thanks to the monetization of a digital product.

Let’s take a closer look at what options are present here:

  1. Basic functionality is provided free of charge. For additional options, such as disabling ads, personal training, drawing up individual plans for nutrition or training, you need to pay a symbolic amount. Or, services are divided into basic (free) and premium packages.
  2. Initially paid apps that are purchased once or are subscription based. However, here marketers recommend setting a trial period during which you can get acquainted with the functionality.
  3. Embedded advertisements. The application remains free for the client, and the owner earns on built-in ad modules.
  4. Additional purchases. For example, the main focus of the product is correspondence training. But there is also a section where the client has the opportunity to order sports equipment or merchandise.

Order a fitness or health app development today to stand out from the crowd of competitors and make your project even more successful!