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4 Ways to Boost Ecommerce Sales

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, ecommerce sales in the fourth quarter of 2021 added up to $218.5 billion. Whether you’re dropshipping, setting up your own company, or running a store through Amazon, it’s safe to say that there is serious money to be had in the ecommerce business.

But if you’re reading this, chances are that you’re looking for a bigger slice of the multi-billion dollar pie. You don’t just want to boost sales — you want to drive your ecommerce sales through the roof. And you’re looking for advice that will show you exactly how to do that.

If any of this sounds about right, you’re in luck. Keep reading to see four of our hottest tips on increasing ecommerce sales.

1. Use User-Generated Content

By the numbers, 92 percent of buyers trust their friends and their family more than they trust the traditional media. And when you consider the fact that your ecommerce company is in business to make money, that element of distrust is something that can’t be overlooked.

Here’s where your user-generated content comes in. User-generated content, or UGC, is essentially content that’s created by people who aren’t affiliated with or getting paid by your company. If you’ve read an Amazon review or watched a YouTube video about a product, chances are that you’ve already seen UGC at work.

When people visit your website and see tons of regular people talking about how well your products have worked for them, it becomes a lot easier for them to see themselves making a purchase and getting similar results. And fundamentally, that is how marketing with social proof works.

2. Start Collecting the Right Data

A lot of ecommerce store owners will say things like, “This product is underperforming!” and “I’m not sure why people keep clicking on the ads without buying!”. But then when their marketing mastermind says, “Oh yeah? What’s the bounce rate on your checkout page?”, there’s awkward silence and stammering.

When you’re running an ecommerce site, things can go left in a hurry. And if you don’t have access to the right information, diagnosing and fixing problems often becomes a lot harder than it needs to be.

Do you have access to analytics through your marketing pixels? Are there additional tags and heat maps you can use to get a sense of what your clients care about?

Many entrepreneurs are talented product developers and businesspeople. But data-informed marketing can feel like a slightly more specialized skill set. Once you start diving into the conversion rates, bounce rates, and traffic stats, however, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

3. Look at Your Process

Think back to your experiences as a consumer.

Have you ever landed on a site and thought, “I want to buy this, but I’m not sure what the benefits are.”? How many times have you dealt with rude and unresponsive customer service after purchasing a product online? For many people, the answer to these questions is, “Too many!”.

For the purposes of this exercise, you’ll want to reflect on these less-than-ideal experiences while asking the question, “Is my ecommerce company doing anything that could be turning customers away?”.

Maybe the issue is that your site is too complicated. People feel like they have to click a dozen times before they can reach your checkout page and so they’re giving up after click number four.

Maybe you’re not clear about what the benefits of your product are. So folks are leaving your site with the impression that they should look into solving their current problems, but they’re not necessarily sold on the idea that your product is the solution that they’re looking for.

This process might be painful. Nobody likes to have their brainchild picked apart and put back together again. But in the end, your ecommerce store will likely be in much better shape in part because you took this step.

4. Add Upsells and Reminders 

If you’re not getting the sales that you want, don’t be too quick to assume that you’re the problem. Sometimes people reach the checkout stage with the intention of making a purchase, but then it turns out that their credit cards are in the other room or their boss calls them right as they’re checking out your website.

A “Hey, you still have this in your cart!” email can work wonders to remind folks that you’ve got an awesome product that’s sitting and waiting for them.

In addition, it’s also worth noting that a lot of customers can be quickly and easily upsold.

Let’s say that you’re in the business of selling necklaces, for instance. More often than not, the individual who’s shopping for that rose petal necklace with the stunning diamond centerpiece isn’t going to be interested in purchasing a chainsaw. But a custom engraving or a next-level case could very well be accessories that they’d be willing to add to their shopping carts.

On that note, a well-designed email system coupled with branded tracking pages and post-sale followup can do a lot to help with your customer retention and your bottom line. Here’s why:

It’s almost always easier to convert your existing and almost-existing customers than it is to go out and acquire new ones. If you can build a solid upselling system while getting more direct site conversions, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your average order value without having to generate insane amounts of additional traffic.

Getting More Ecommerce Sales Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Ecommerce marketing is difficult in the best of times. Unlike a physical retail store where people can check out your products before buying, people are often relying on your website, your reviews, and your reputation to make a purchasing decision.

Fortunately, boosting ecommerce sales doesn’t have to be extremely difficult. From website design to your email marketing sequences, most issues related to low sales can be solved with a relatively small number of adjustments.

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